Course Overview

This beginner-level course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and skills required for web design. The course will cover various aspects of web design, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web design principles. By the end of the course, students will be able to create and publish a basic website.

Course Duration

(Fees – Rs 12,000)

Total Hours: 40 hours

Lectures: 20 hours

Practical/Lab Sessions: 20 hours

introduction to Web Design

Overview of the course
Importance of web design
Understand the objectives of the course
What is Web Design?
Role of a Web Designer
Web Design vs. Web Development
Frontend vs. Backend
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Web Servers and Hosting
Text Editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text)
Graphics Editors (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, GIMP)

Basic HTML

Overview of HTML
Learn the structure of HTML documents
Tags, Attributes, and Elements
Headings, Paragraphs, Lists
Forms and Inputs
Media Elements (Images, Audio, Video)
Practical session: Building a basic HTML page

Introduction To Javascript

Overview of JavaScript
Learn the basics of JavaScript programming
Variables, data types, and operators
Functions and events
Selecting and modifying HTML elements
Event listeners
Form validation
Dynamic content updates
Implementing basic JavaScript functionalities

Basic CSS

Overview of CSS
Learn how to style HTML elements
Basic syntax
Types of selectors
Understanding margins, borders, padding, and content
Font properties
Text decoration
Positioning elements
Display properties
Flexbox and Grid layouts
Media queries
Mobile-first design
Hands-on activity to apply CSS styling

Web Design Principles

Overview of web design principles
Understand the principles of effective web design
Color theory
White space
Designing for user experience (UX)
Web accessibility standards
Structuring content
Creating intuitive navigation
Creating a wireframe and mockup for a website

Building A Website

Overview of the website development process
Learn how to build and deploy a website
Project structure
Version control with Git
Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Common issues and troubleshooting
Browser developer tools
Hosting options
FTP and domain setup
Hands-on project to create and publish a website

Advanced Topics (Optional)

Overview of popular frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, React)
Overview of CMS platforms (e.g., WordPress, Joomla)


  • Duration: 40 hours total
  • Mode of Delivery: Online/Offline
  • Assessment: Quizzes, assignments, and a final project
  • Certification: Certificate of completion
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