Course Overview

This Basic Computer Course is designed for beginners to develop foundational computer skills and knowledge. The course covers essential computer concepts, operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, internet usage, communication tools, and financial literacy for banking applications. The total course duration is 70 hours, divided into 7 modules. Each module consists of lectures, practical sessions, and assessments to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

(Fees - Rs 10,000)

Module 1: Introduction to Computers (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Overview of the course and its objectives


  • Understanding the basics of computers and their applications

What is a Computer? (1 hour)

  • Definition and basic applications of computers

Components of a Computer System (3 hours)

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Keyboard, Mouse, and Visual Display Unit (VDU)
  • Other Input Devices
  • Other Output Devices
  • Computer Memory

Concept of Hardware and Software (2 hours)

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Application Software
  • System Software

Concept of Computing, Data, and Information (1 hour)

  • Understanding how data is processed into information

Applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (1 hour)

  • E-Governance
  • Entertainment

Bringing a Computer to Life (1 hour)

  • Connecting peripherals to the CPU
  • Checking power supply


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Module 2: Operating Computer Using GUI Based Operating System (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Objectives

Basics of Operating System (2 hours)

  • Definition and functions of an operating system
  • Overview of popular operating systems (Linux, Windows)

The User Interface (3 hours)

  • Taskbar
  • Icons
  • Menu
  • Running an Application

Operating System Simple Settings (2 hours)

  • Changing system date and time
  • Changing display properties
  • Adding or removing a Windows component
  • Changing mouse properties
  • Adding and removing printers

File and Directory Management (1 hour)

  • Creating and renaming files and directories

Common Utilities (1 hour)


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Module 3: Understanding Word Processing (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Objectives

Word Processing Basics (2 hours)

  • Opening word processing package
  • Menu bar
  • Using the help
  • Icons below the menu bar

Opening and Closing Documents (2 hours)

  • Opening documents
  • Save and Save As
  • Page setup
  • Print preview
  • Printing documents

Text Creation and Manipulation (2 hours)

  • Document creation
  • Editing text
  • Text selection
  • Cut, copy, and paste
  • Spell check
  • Thesaurus

Formatting the Text (1 hour)

  • Font and size selection
  • Text alignment
  • Paragraph indenting
  • Bullets and numbering
  • Changing case

Table Manipulation (1 hour)

  • Drawing tables
  • Changing cell width and height
  • Aligning text in cells
  • Deleting/inserting rows and columns
  • Border and shading



Module 4: Using Spreadsheet (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Objectives

Elements of Electronic Spreadsheet (2 hours)

  • Opening a spreadsheet
  • Addressing cells
  • Printing a spreadsheet
  • Saving workbooks

Manipulation of Cells (3 hours)

  • Entering text, numbers, and dates
  • Creating text, number, and date series
  • Editing worksheet data
  • Inserting and deleting rows/columns
  • Changing cell height and width

Manipulation of Cells (3 hours)

  • Entering text, numbers, and dates
  • Creating text, number, and date series
  • Editing worksheet data
  • Inserting and deleting rows/columns
  • Changing cell height and width


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Module 5: Introduction to Internet, WWW, and Web Browsers (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Objectives

Basics of Computer Networks (2 hours)

  • Local Area Network (LAN)
  • Wide Area Network (WAN)

Internet (2 hours)

  • Concept of the Internet
  • Applications of the Internet
  • Connecting to the Internet
  • Troubleshooting

Web Browsing Software (1 hour)

  • Popular web browsing software

Search Engines (2 hours)

  • Popular search engines
  • Searching for content
  • Accessing web browser
  • Using favorites folder
  • Downloading web pages
  • Printing web pages

Surfing the Web (1 hour)

  • Using e-governance websites


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Module 6: Communications and Collaboration (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Objectives

Basics of E-mail (1 hour)

  • What is electronic mail
  • Email addressingl

Using E-mails (3 hours)

  • Opening an email account
  • Mailbox: Inbox and Outbox
  • Creating and sending a new email
  • Replying to an email message
  • Forwarding an email message
  • Sorting and searching emails

Instant Messaging and Collaboration (2 hours)

  • Using instant messaging
  • Instant messaging providers
  • Netiquettes


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Module 7: Making Small Presentations (10 hours)

Introduction (1 hour)

  • Objectives

Basics (1 hour)

  • Using PowerPoint
  • Opening a PowerPoint presentation
  • Saving a presentation

Creation of Presentation (3 hours)

  • Creating a presentation using a template
  • Creating a blank presentation
  • Entering and editing text
  • Inserting and deleting slides

Preparation of Slides (2 hours)

  • Inserting Word tables or Excel worksheets
  • Adding clip art pictures
  • Inserting other objects
  • Resizing and scaling objects

Presentation of Slides (1 hour)

  • Viewing a presentation
  • Choosing a setup for presentation
  • Printing slides and handouts

Slide Show (1 hour)

  • Running a slide shown
  • Transition and slide timings
  • Automating a slide show


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Additional Features:

  • Duration: 70 hours total
  • Mode of Delivery: Online/Offline
  • Assessment: Quizzes, assignments, and a final exam
  • Certification: Certificate of completion
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