Course Overview

This beginner-level course is designed to introduce students to Python, a versatile and widely-used programming language. The course will cover the basics of Python, including syntax, variables, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming. By the end of the course, students will be able to develop simple applications and scripts using Python.

Course Duration

Total Hours: 40 hours

Lectures: 20 hours

Practical/Lab Sessions: 20 hours

introduction to python

Overview of Python
History and evolution of Python
Understand the goals of the course
High-level, interpreted programming language
Comparison with other programming languages
Installing Python and IDE (e.g., Anaconda, PyCharm)
Configuring the development environment
Basic Python syntax
Running Python scripts

python basics

Overview of Python basics
Learn basic Python syntax and operations
Python syntax rules
Declaring and using variables
Data types in Python
Conditional statements (if, else, elif)
Looping structures (while, for)
Defining and calling functions
Function parameters and return values
Hands-on activity to create simple Python scripts

Working with Data

Overview of data handling in Python
Learn to handle different data types
Creating and manipulating lists
Working with tuples
Using dictionaries
String manipulation techniques
String formatting
Hands-on activity to manipulate data types

File Handling And Exceptions

Overview of file handling and exceptions
Learn to read/write files and handle exceptions
Reading from and writing to files
File methods and operations
Types of errors
Exception handling using try, except, and finally
Hands-on activity to implement file operations and handle exceptions

Object-oriented Programming

Overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
Learn the basics of OOP in Python
Understanding inheritance
Implementing polymorphism
Hands-on activity to create and use classes and objects

Working With Libraries

Overview of popular Python libraries
Learn to use Python libraries for various tasks
Introduction to Python’s standard library
Commonly used modules (os, sys, math, datetime)
Installing and using external libraries with pip
Overview of popular libraries (e.g., NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib)
Hands-on activity to use standard and external libraries

Working With Databases

Overview of database interactions in Python
Learn to interact with databases using Python
Overview of SQL
Introduction to relational databases
Using SQLite and MySQL with Python
Establishing a database connection
Fetching data from a database
Hands-on activity to connect Python with a database and perform operations

Building A Simple Application

Overview of building a simple Python application
Learn to develop a small-scale application using Python
Project requirements and planning
Setting up the project environment
Structuring the application
Implementing features using Python
Sharing the application
Using tools like PyInstaller to create executables
Hands-on project to create and deploy a Python application
Overview of web frameworks
Basic web application setup
Data manipulation and analysis
Using Pandas for data handling


  • Duration: 40 hours total
  • Mode of Delivery: Online/Offline
  • Assessment: Quizzes, assignments, and a final project
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