Course Overview

The Complete Bootcamp for Web Designing is an intensive, comprehensive program designed to take students from beginners to advanced web designers over 6-7 months. The bootcamp covers all essential aspects of web design, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques, ensuring students are well-prepared for careers in the field. The program includes interactive lectures, practical sessions, projects, and assessments to provide a holistic learning experience.

(Fees – Rs 32,000)

Module 1: Introduction to Web Design (20 hours)

Overview of the course and objectives
Importance of web design in the digital age
Understanding HTML structure and elements
Basic CSS styling and layout
Building a simple web page
Design fundamentals: color theory, typography, and layout
User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design basics

Module 2: Advanced HTML and CSS (30 hours)

Advanced HTML elements and attributes
CSS3 properties and techniques
Media queries and flexible grid systems
Mobile-first design approach
Designing for various devices and screen sizes

Module 3: JavaScript for Web Designers (40 hours)

Basics of JavaScript syntax and programming concepts
Integrating JavaScript into HTML
Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
Using JavaScript to manipulate HTML and CSS
Creating interactive elements like sliders, modals, and forms
Introduction to jQuery and other JavaScript libraries

Module 4: Web Design Tools and Technologies (40 hours)

Introduction to design tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD
Creating wireframes and prototypes
Basics of Git and GitHub
Collaborative web design using version control
Basics of web hosting
Deploying websites using platforms like Netlify and GitHub Pages

Module 5: Advanced Web Design Concepts (50 hours)

Introduction to Sass and Less
Using preprocessors to streamline CSS development
CSS Grid and Flexbox
Creating complex layouts
Using CSS animations and transitions
Introduction to libraries like Animate.css
Techniques for optimizing web performance
Tools for performance testing and improvement

Module 6: Content Management Systems (CMS) (30 hours)

Overview of popular CMS platforms (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal)
Setting up and configuring a CMS
Creating custom themes and templates
Understanding CMS templating languages
Creating custom plugins and modules
Extending CMS functionality

Module 7: Project and Portfolio Development (50 hours)

Developing a comprehensive web design project
Implementing all learned skills and techniques
Creating a professional web design portfolio
Showcasing projects and skills
Resume and cover letter writing
Preparing for web design job interviews


  • Duration: 6-7 months
  • Mode of Delivery: Live training (online/offline)
  • Assessment: QQuizzes, assignments, projects, and a final exam
  • Certification: Certificate of completion
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